If the Social Security Administration Turns Down My SSDI Application, What Can I Do?

First, you must know that the SSA will often turn down your first application for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance). However, there are many things you can do, such as ask to have a different examiner or medical group reconsider your claim.

If your claim is still denied, you can file for a hearing before an SSA administrative judge. The SSA has a unique system that has been formed and operates solely for this purpose. A hearing is often required before you finally get your SSDI approval, and hearings usually result in about twenty-five percent of applicants receiving their benefits.

Although SSDI hearings are legal and judicial proceedings, they differ widely from a typical court trial.

Depending on your case, these hearings generally last about an hour but could last considerably longer. This is especially true if witnesses, medical experts, etc., are needed.

Also, these SSDI hearings can take place in a few different ways, such as:

  • You and your skilled SSDI Lawyer can go to a Social Security Administration (SSA) office or hearing center.
  • The hearings can now be held online via Microsoft Teams and more.
  • They can be carried out with a phone call.
  • Also, teleconferences can be held at an SSA facility (if you don’t have access to the proper equipment.

In most cases, your lawyer will submit a hearing request on your behalf, and then the SSA will send you all the data on how to meet and what forms are needed before your meeting.

These hearings can sound daunting and even possibly scary to most people. Also, proper preparation is necessary if you want to be successful with your SSDI case.

This is why the skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable help of a California SSDI lawyer is mandatory. Although these hearings are not trials and much less formal, it is always in your best interests to have your SSDI lawyer by your side.

Your thorough and detail-oriented SSDI lawyer will know precisely how to prepare and accurately present your case.

A recent study by the Federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted that if you attend these hearings with an SSDI professional, you could have a three times more likely chance of success.

Will I Meet In a Courtroom To Prepare for an SSDI Hearing?

Most of the time, it’s valuable to you to know just what you may be walking into, and most SSDI lawyers will hold “mock” hearings so that you can ease your nerves and know what to expect.

Most hearing rooms are just modified offices in an office building or at the SSA facility.

In most cases, your hearing room will include:

  • A central table with a microphone or computer for your use or your SSDI lawyers.
  • Other areas have a computer and microphone for a vocational expert, etc.
  • A spot for a judge’s aide or hearing reporter.
  • Your judge’s bench will have a computer or video screen where the judge will appear and interact with everyone in the room.

Your skilled and thorough SSDI lawyer will always attempt to prepare you as much as possible for the questions you might be asked in your unique case. This is vital, as you should never be vague in your answers.

What Type of Questions Will I Be Asked In My SSDI Hearing?

The questions you will be asked will be relevant to your unique and specific condition and case. However, always be as clear and truthful as possible, but never answer vaguely or misleadingly.

Preparing for your hearing is a must if you wish to succeed in getting SSDI benefits, and the help, advice, preparation, and guidance of your SSDI lawyer will be invaluable. Remember that your SSDI lawyer has been through a myriad of these hearings and usually knows how they proceed, as well as most (if not all) of the questions you will be asked.

If you don’t know the answer or are uncomfortable, you usually will be able to confer with your lawyer, and they will assist you.

You must note that judges are busy and usually don’t have much time for your case. That’s why preliminary matters like your past career or family issues should not take up valuable hearing time. Also, the judge will never try to “trick” you; they only want the facts they need to decide and no more information.

Preparation is always unique to each case, and the best way to prepare is always with the skilled and experienced help of your SSDI law team. They’ve done this before and know precisely what to do and, more importantly, what not to do.

How Can My SSDI Lawyer Present My Case In the Best Way Possible?

Your diligent and skilled SSDI lawyer has managed many of these hearings for many Social Security disability claimants in California and some nationwide. How they will present and manage your case is always a question that is asked, usually before your hearing.

At your preparation and your hearing, your SSDI lawyer will always advise you that your testimony should focus on the following:

  • Any physical symptoms, such as pain, its severity, and the resulting restrictions it imposes on you and your life.
  • Your overall ability to sit, stand, walk, lift, carry, travel, and more.
  • How are your daily actions managed, and what changes caused by your disability affect your activities and life?
  • Possibly the requirements of your previous careers and their exertion, skill, and stress levels.
  • All your current medical treatments that you are going through and their length, frequency, medication, etc.

Your lawyer will also know that, at times, having friends, family, or co-workers testify may always help; however, the ALJ is always more concerned with your unique and specific testimony. Just be aware that when you walk into that hearing, you have a winning, professional SSDI lawyer by your side, significantly increasing your chances of obtaining the benefits you need.

I Am Going To Schedule a Hearing For My SSDI Benefits; How Should I Proceed?

Most importantly, you must note that attempting to face an SSDI hearing alone will always work to your detriment. Your SSDI benefits are far too significant to you and your family, and you must have professional representation.

Your SSDI lawyer will help you prepare for this critical meeting and the possible questions the Judge may ask. With professional help, you will have a significantly better way to present a convincing case that your medical condition interferes with your ability to perform your job, life, or any work you try to do.

The skilled SSDI lawyers at Roeschke Law specialize in SSDI cases, and you will most likely have to attend. Call them today at (800) 975-1866 and immediately schedule a free evaluation of your case. Your SSDI benefits are far too significant to risk on your own.